Entries by Hemn Chawroka

14 New Front-end Frameworks Worth Considering

Whether you are newbie or pro developer you cant under estimate the power of front-end frameworks,  frameworks can be used effectively during the early stages of development. Crafting a website from scratch is sometimes useful and oftentimes necessary. But it’s not the only solution in this wacky open source wonderland. For this article we have […]

20 Best Code Editors for Real Time Collaboration

Giving one-off feedback on coding errors is a pain. You just want to share a quick, contextual note with someone, for doing this  there are few good collaborative code editors out there to help. Code editors that let you collaborate with other programmers, help you to edit your code in real time and keep you […]

Best CSS Tools for 2015

What CSS can do is changing the layout of web pages; typesetting, adjusting letter spacing and so on but Writing clean CSS is a laborious task when you get into newer CSS3 properties and their respective browser prefixes. Thankfully some hardcore developers have built online web applications to save us all that tiny bit of […]

25 Free WordPress Themes for 2015

2015 kick starts with number of WordPress plugins and themes and continues in the tradition of fancy typefaces and fonts for WordPress users. This year, we can expect WP themes to introduce some new techniques for extracting dominant colors from backgrounds, responsive image re-sizing, and quick loading. This article includes a list of responsive, beautiful […]

25 Best PHP Libraries for Developers

PHP Library allows developers to take full advantage of Object Oriented Programming in PHP. This library of interfaces creates a standard API for certain kinds of built-in functionality, allowing your classes to interact with the PHP engine in a much more seamless manner. In this article we have compiled a list of Best PHP Libraries […]

15 Best JavaScript Minifying Tools

JavaScript Minification is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from source code without changing its functionality. These unnecessary characters usually include white space characters, new line characters, comments, and sometimes block delimiters, which are used to add readability to the code but are not required for it to execute. In this article we have […]