Easy Lazy Loader
The most fully featured, incredibly easy to set up lazy load plugin for WordPress.

WordPress Easy SMTP
WordPress Easy SMTP is a user-friendly SMTP plugin. It allows you to send emails from your WordPress Site via one of your preferred SMTP server.

JavaScript Libraries for Creating Circular Charts
These libraries don’t use images to represent images; instead…

Useful JavaScript Libraries – Dec 2015
We have compiled a list of Fresh JavaScript Libraries for December…

39 JavaScript Chart and Graph Libraries for Developers
A chart is a graphical representation of data, in which “the…

Best JavaScript Libraries for Creating Interactive Maps
Maps are used so widely in web design and they are usually expected…

15 JavaScript Libraries for Animating SVG
In today’s era SVG is most popular and being used by designers…

Top 15 JavaScript Libraries for Your Next Projects
Internet provides myriad of resources to learn JavaScript quickly…